DirectX 12/Camera & Lighting6 [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 06. Frustum Culling GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. 렌더링하기까지 했던것을 살펴보면 Input Assemembly 에서 콘텍스트 버퍼와 버텍스 정보를 세팅하고, 버텍스 쉐이더에서 각 버텍스를 변환한다.(행렬,.. 2023. 6. 23. [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 05. Skybox GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. Skybox는 월드좌표가 필요없다. 왜냐하면 플레이어가 움직여서 skybox 밖으로 벗어나면 안되기때문이다. 그럼 월드 스페이스의 srt에서 s와t를 제외한 r(rotati.. 2023. 6. 23. [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 04. Normal Mapping GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. cube를 보면 각 버텍스 별로 노말벡터들이 동일하다.(어떻게 보면 면은 같은 곳을 바라보니 동일한 건 맞는얘기) 그러다보니 버텍스 쉐이더에서 계산해준 값을 .. 2023. 6. 22. [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 03. Lighting GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. 물체마다 자신의 RGB 값이 있는데, 거기다 각각 곱해지는 성분자체를 구하는 것이 Lighting의 개념. 예시) R(1) * 0.5 G(0) * 0.5 B(0) * 0.. 2023. 6. 15. [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 02. Resources GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. 2023. 6. 15. [DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting] Chapter 01. Camera GitHub : GitHub - developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting: DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting DirectX12 - Camera & Lighting. Contribute to developeSHG/DirectX12-Camera_Lighting development by creating an account on GitHub. 2023. 6. 15. 이전 1 다음